


英検1級2次試験:Should all citizens be required to vote by law?

Should all citizens be required to vote by law? (法律ですべての国民の投票を義務付けるべきか?) I strongly agree with the idea that voting should be mandatory. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, without doing so, political pol…

英検1級2次試験:Is a loss of privacy inevitable in modern societies?

Is a loss of privacy inevitable in modern societies? (現代社会において、プライバシーの喪失は避けられないものか?) 2021年度第2回1級1次試験の英作文問題に似た(ほぼ同一の)テーマですね。 I’m of the opinion that individual’s privacy can’t be pro…

英検1級2次試験:Are large corporations solely interested in generating profits?

Are large corporations solely interested in generating profits? (大企業は、利益を上げることだけを考えているか?) I disagree with the opinion that large corporations are solely pursing large profits. Many companies are actually doing variou…