


英検1級2次試験:Does feminism play an important role to play in modern society?

Does feminism play an important role to play in modern society? (フェミニズムは現代社会において重要な役割を担っているか?) I disagree with the statement from two perspectives. First, the problems of discriminations against women are improv…

英検1級2次試験:Is enough being done to deal with the problem of antibiotic drug resistance?

Is enough being done to deal with the problem of antibiotic drug resistance? (抗生物質の薬剤耐性問題への対策は十分か?) I agree with the statement from two perspectives. First, experts are making more efforts to deal with the problem compa…

英検1級2次試験:Should the Japanese government do more to promote human rights in other countries?

Should the Japanese government do more to promote human rights in other countries? (日本政府は、他国における人権を促進するためにもっと努力すべきか?) I disagree with the statement for two reasons. First, it is often reported that human rig…