

英検1級2次試験:Which should school emphasize more, competition or cooperation?

Which should school emphasize more, competition or cooperation?



Although both competition and cooperation are very important in our society, I think that schools should emphasize competition, rather than cooperation.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, competition is needed in order to survive in international society. Nowadays, the number of people with high skills in large-scale countries such as China and India is increasing dramatically. They can provide higher quality products or services with customers at competitive prices. If Japanese people lose mindset of competition, then Japan will fall behind economically in the future.


Second, less competition decreases motivation and creativity in workplace. According to one study, it is shown that employees work less hard when they are promoted based on seniority. On the other hand, when employees are given incentive to their success, they tend to work much harder. This means that competition makes workplace more efficient.


From these two viewpoints, I believe that schools should put more emphasis on competition. (156 words)




