

英検1級2次試験:Should the sales of tobacco products be made illegal?

Should the sales of tobacco products be made illegal?



I’m of the opinion that the sales of cigarette should be banned.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, tobacco has negative impact on our health conditions. For example, harmful substances inside of tobacco such as nicotine and tar can be one of the causes of serious diseases such as lung cancer, breathing problem, and so on. Also, these substances are highly addictive, meaning that once people start smoking, then it is very difficult for them to quit.


Second, by banning the sales of cigarette, the damage from disasters would be smaller. As we know, tobacco emits carbon dioxide, which is one of the main causes of global warming. Also, it is shown that around 3000 buildings are destroyed by fire from cigarettes every year in Japan. Prohibition of selling cigarette prevents these kinds of issues from occurring, making our society much safer place.


Although some people argue that it is a bit radical idea, I believe that the sales of tobacco products should be strictly prohibited. (169 words)






