

英検1級2次試験:Can Japan’s rural communities be revitalized?

Can Japan’s rural communities be revitalized?



I disagree with the opinion that Japan’s rural communities can be revitalized.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, it’s very difficult for people to obtain high-paying job opportunities in rural areas in Japan. These kinds of industries are mainly located in urban areas because companies can easily find a lot of clients and skilled workers there. Also, jobs in rural areas are mainly based on agricultural industry, and working in this field is too demanding for most people. Under the circumstance, it’s natural for young people to move to big cities.


Second, rural communities are nowadays struggling to revitalize its economy by taking advantages of tourism resources. Only a few years ago, many local governments in rural areas were planning to improve their economic conditions by attracting many visitors. However, due to coronavirus pandemic, nowadays it’s nearly impossible for the Japanese government to accept tourists from foreign countries, and we can’t predict when this can be realized.


From these two perspectives, I believe that it’s impossible for rural communities to revitalize its economies. (176 words)







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(2/12追記) 関連問題"Agree or disagree: Urbanization has gone too far(賛成か反対か:都市化は進みすぎた)"を追記しました。
