

英検1級2次試験:Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated?

Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated?






I’m against the opinion that the potential dangers of artificial intelligence are exaggerated.

I’ll explain two examples of dangers to support my opinion.


First, it is often said that artificial intelligence can be used to commit cybercrime. For example, some researchers say that artificial intelligence is useful to steal important private information like credit card number from strangers. Also, it is estimated that artificial intelligence can be intelligent enough to paralyze the function of nations. If this does happen, then it’ll lead to panic for citizens and decreased national security.


Second example is some robots that are made for military purposes. Nowadays many country’s governments are trying to manufacture this kind of robots. Some people may argue that such robots may bring benefits for citizens since they’ll have capabilities of protecting people from various kinds of dangers like nuclear weapons. However, according to some researchers, these robots may be programmed to kill millions of people in a second. Once people lose control of them, then the result would be disastrous.


In conclusion, I believe that people should raise more awareness about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence. (190 words)









