

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: The media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes

Agree or disagree: The media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes





I’m against the opinion that the media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, news media doesn’t report the details about juvenile criminals. For example, even when 16-year-old high school student kills other people, criminal’s private information such as full name, photo, and address are not reported to citizens. The situation where ordinary citizens suffer from criminal activities is not acceptable no matter how young criminals are. We should make sure that there are serious consequences for serious crimes.


Second, media companies should focus more on bullying inside of schools. There are millions of students who are suffering from harassments from other students. The victims of them often become mentally ill and some of them even commit suicide. However, news media often try to put emphasis on other news or contents so that they can increase the number of readers. Since bullying is definitely one type of “criminal activity”, news media should report this issue more seriously.


In conclusion, I disagree with the idea that the media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes. (181 words)




