

英検1級2次試験:Should everyone be guaranteed a job?

Should everyone be guaranteed a job?



I agree with the idea that everyone should be guaranteed a job.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, it is vital for the national government to raise sufficient funds. Nowadays, since the working population is diminishing dramatically, the amounts of tax revenue for the government is declining. However, if everyone has a job to do, a greater number of people will be taxpayers. Also, since these people will spend more amounts of money to purchase things or services, the government can increase its fund very efficiently.


Second, it is indispensable to ensure public safety. For instance, it was reported by news medias that after the coronavirus pandemic, the number of criminal activities increased significantly. One of the causes for this is higher unemployment rates. People who lost their jobs committed crimes like stealing in order to gain daily necessities. However, when everyone is guaranteed a job, they can at least have enough money to purchase them, and the crime rate will decrease in response to this.


From these two perspectives, I believe that everyone should be guaranteed a job. (182 words)




