

英検1級2次試験:Will printed newspaper become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century?

Will printed newspaper become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century?



I’m of the opinion that printed newspaper will become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century.

I’ll explain from two perspectives.


First, readers can gather greater amounts of information by using Internet websites. News report that newspaper companies post is often biased toward certain political parties, ideologies, and genders. However, since the amounts of information available on the Internet are very huge, we readers can think about social problems from various kinds of viewpoints, enhancing our information literacy.


Second viewpoint is natural environment. Nowadays, we have lots of opportunities to hear about the problem about global warming on the Internet. This means that there are growing awareness about the importance of preserving nature. Under the circumstances, reading news on the Internet is so beneficial to our society. Whereas, we have negative impact on the environment when we purchase printed newspaper. This is because producers of it need to cut down lot of trees and harmful substances are released when we transport it.


In conclusion, I believe that printed newspaper will become obsolete in the future. (174 words)




