


英検1級2次試験:Is the world heading toward another global conflict?

Is the world heading toward another global conflict? (世界は再び地球規模の紛争に向かっているか?) I’m of the opinion that the world is heading toward another global conflict. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, decreasing amou…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Internet advertising is effective

Agree or disagree: Internet advertising is effective (賛成か反対か:インターネット広告は効果的である) I’m of the opinion that Internet advertising is effective. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, the initial cost for Internet…

英検1級2次試験:Should the sales of tobacco products be made illegal?

Should the sales of tobacco products be made illegal? (タバコの販売を違法にすべきか?) I’m of the opinion that the sales of cigarette should be banned. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, tobacco has negative impact on our hea…

英検1級2次試験:Will the increasing reliance on robots and computers pose a threat to society?

Will the increasing reliance on robots and computers pose a threat to society? (ロボットやコンピューターへの依存度が高まることは、社会に脅威を与えることになるか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り33日 I agree with the view that the increa…