


英検1級2次試験:Is mass migration inevitable in today’s world?

Is mass migration inevitable in today’s world? (現代の世界では、大量移住は避けられないか?) I agree with the statement from two perspectives. First viewpoint is conflicts and warfare. Historically, humankinds have attacked other countries …

英検1級2次試験:Does feminism play an important role to play in modern society?

Does feminism play an important role to play in modern society? (フェミニズムは現代社会において重要な役割を担っているか?) I disagree with the statement from two perspectives. First, the problems of discriminations against women are improv…

英検1級2次試験:Is enough being done to deal with the problem of antibiotic drug resistance?

Is enough being done to deal with the problem of antibiotic drug resistance? (抗生物質の薬剤耐性問題への対策は十分か?) I agree with the statement from two perspectives. First, experts are making more efforts to deal with the problem compa…

英検1級2次試験:Should the Japanese government do more to promote human rights in other countries?

Should the Japanese government do more to promote human rights in other countries? (日本政府は、他国における人権を促進するためにもっと努力すべきか?) I disagree with the statement for two reasons. First, it is often reported that human rig…

英検1級2次試験:Can the art promote peace between nations?

Can the art promote peace between nations? (芸術は国家間における平和を促進できるか?) I agree with the idea that the art can promote peace between nations. I’ll explain from two perspectives. First, we can send messages about the importanc…

英検1級2次試験:Is enough being done to stop cyberbullying in modern society?

Is enough being done to stop cyberbullying in modern society? (現代社会において、ネットいじめへの対策は十分か?) I think that more should be done to stop cyberbullying in modern society. I’ll explain from two perspectives. First, schooltea…

英検1級2次試験:Are current agricultural practices sustainable?

Are current agricultural practices sustainable? (現在の農業慣行は持続可能であるか?) I disagree with the idea that current agricultural practices are sustainable. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, environmental problems are …

英検1級2次試験:Will printed newspaper become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century?

Will printed newspaper become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century? (インターネットが普及した21世紀において、紙の新聞は廃れるか?) I’m of the opinion that printed newspaper will become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century. …

英検1級2次試験:Should more be done to protect the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples?

Should more be done to protect the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples? (世界の先住民の文化を保護するためにもっと努力すべきか?) It’s vital for us to make more efforts to protect the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples. I’ll …

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Japan encourages entrepreneurship

Agree or disagree: Japan encourages entrepreneurship (賛成か反対か:日本は起業家精神を奨励している) I agree with the opinion that Japan encourages entrepreneurship. Since 2010, the number of people who start their own businesses has been i…

英検1級2次試験:Is Japan sufficiently prepared for natural disasters?

Is Japan sufficiently prepared for natural disasters? (日本は自然災害に対して十分な備えをしているか?) I’m against the opinion that Japan is sufficiently prepared for natural disasters. I’ll explain from two viewpoints to support my opinio…

英検1級2次試験:Is energy self-sufficiency vital for a nation in today’s world?

Is energy self-sufficiency vital for a nation in today’s world? (現代において、エネルギーの自給自足は国家にとって不可欠か?) I’m of the opinion that energy self-sufficiency is vital for a nation in today’s world. I have two reasons to supp…

英検1級2次試験:Are scientific efforts to bring back extinct species a waste of time?

Are scientific efforts to bring back extinct species a waste of time? (絶滅種を復活させる科学的努力は時間の無駄であるか?) I’m against the opinion that scientific efforts to bring back extinct species a waste of time. I have two reasons to…

英検1級2次試験:Should everyone be guaranteed a job?

Should everyone be guaranteed a job? (すべての人に仕事が保障されるべきか?) I agree with the idea that everyone should be guaranteed a job. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, it is vital for the national government to raise s…

英検1級2次試験:Should celebrities stay out of politics?

Should celebrities stay out of politics? (芸能人は政治に関わらないほうが良いか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り1日 明日本番という事実を受け入れられずにいます。。 I’m against the opinion that celebrities should stay out of politics. I h…

英検1級2次試験:Does a college education prepare people for work?

Does a college education prepare people for work? (大学教育は、社会人になるための準備になるか?) I’m against the opinion that a college education prepares people for work. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, Japanese universit…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles

Agree or disagree: Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles (賛成か反対か:日本企業にとって、より多くの女性が指導的役割を果たすことは有益である) おはようございます。 試験まで残り2日 I’m of the opinion tha…

英検1級2次試験:Will the gap between the rich and poor inevitably increase in today’s globalized world?

Will the gap between the rich and poor inevitably increase in today’s globalized world? (グローバル化が進んだ今日において、貧富の差は必然的に増えるか?) I’m of the opinion that the gap between the rich and poor inevitable increase in today…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Alcohol is more damaging to society than tobacco

Agree or disagree: Alcohol is more damaging to society than tobacco (賛成か反対か:タバコよりアルコールのほうが社会にとって有害である) おはようございます。 試験まで残り3日 I agree with the idea that alcohol is more damaging to society than…

英検1級2次試験:Can keeping animals in captivity be justified?

Can keeping animals in captivity be justified? (動物を飼育することは正当化できるか?) I’m of the opinion that keeping animals in captivity can be justified. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, by doing so, we can protect anima…

英検1級2次試験:Is enough being done to fight the trade in illegal drugs?

Is enough being done to fight the trade in illegal drugs? (違法薬物の取引への対策は十分か?) I think that more should be done to combat the trade in illegal drugs. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, police should make more ef…

英検1級2次試験:Should tax rates be lowered to stimulate the economy?

Should tax rates be lowered to stimulate the economy? (景気を刺激するために税率を下げるべきか?) I’m of the opinion that tax rates should be lowered to stimulate the economy. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, by lowering tax…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: The media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes

Agree or disagree: The media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes (賛成か反対か:メディアは少年犯罪の問題を誇張している) 試験まで残り8日 I’m against the opinion that the media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crimes. I have two re…

英検1級2次試験:Is capital punishment an effective deterrent to crime?

Is capital punishment an effective deterrent to crime? (死刑は犯罪の抑止力として有効か?) I’m against the opinion that capital punishment is an effective deterrent to crime. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, hard-core crimin…

英検1級2次試験:Are concerns about the safety of genetically modified foods warranted?

Are concerns about the safety of genetically modified foods warranted? (遺伝子組み換え食品の安全性に対する懸念は保証されているか?) I’m against the opinion that concerns about the safety of genetically modified foods are warranted. I have …

英検1級2次試験:Is Japan doing enough to ensure its national security?

Is Japan doing enough to ensure its national security? (日本の安全保障は十分であるか?) 諸々の要因により心が沈み切っており、全く試験対策をする気が起きず、更新が滞っておりました。 特に、ウクライナ情勢については本当に心の痛む情報ばかりが入っ…

英検1級2次試験:Is transferring technology to developing nations the key to economic development?

Is transferring technology to developing nations the key to economic development? (発展途上国への技術継承は、経済発展のカギであるか?) I’m of the opinion that technological transfer to developing nations is the key to economic growth. I’ll…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: The private ownership of guns should be banned

Agree or disagree: The private ownership of guns should be banned (賛成か反対か:銃の個人所有は禁止されるべきである) I agree with the idea that the private ownership of guns should be banned. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First…

英検1級2次試験:Should the pet industry be tightly regulated?

Should the pet industry be tightly regulated? (ペット産業は厳しく規制されるべきか?) I’m against the opinion that the pet industry should be regulated. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, pets often enrich people’s daily lives…

英検1級2次試験:Is the fossil-fuel era coming to an end?

Is the fossil-fuel era coming to an end? (化石燃料の時代は終わりつつあるか?) I’m of the opinion that the fossil-fuel era is coming to an end. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, the amounts of fossil fuel are decreasing drama…