


英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Homelessness is inevitable in a modern society

Agree or disagree: Homelessness is inevitable in a modern society (賛成か反対か:ホームレスは現代社会では避けられない) I agree with the opinion that homelessness is inevitable in modern society. I have two reasons to support my opinion. Fi…

英検1級2次試験:Are people today too reliant on prescription drugs?

Are people today too reliant on prescription drugs? (現代人は処方された薬に頼りすぎているか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り34日 I disagree with the opinion that people are too dependent on prescription drugs. I have two reasons to sup…

英検1級2次試験:Should people be encouraged to buy more domestically produced goods?

Should people be encouraged to buy more domestically produced goods? (人々はより多くの国産品を購入するよう推奨されるべきか?) I don’t think that people should be encouraged to purchase more domestically produced goods. I have two reasons t…

英検1級2次試験:Is the human race in danger of making itself extinct?

Is the human race in danger of making itself extinct? (人類は自らを絶滅に追いやる危機に瀕しているか?) I agree with the opinion that human is in danger of making itself extinct. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, because of e…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Lifetime employment is no longer practical in modern society

Agree or disagree: Lifetime employment is no longer practical in modern society (賛成か反対か:現代社会において、終身雇用はもはや現実的でない) I’m of the opinion that lifetime employment is no longer practical in modern society. I have two…

英検1級2次試験:Do the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons?

Do the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons? (超大国が一つしかないことの長所は短所を上回るか?) I’m against the opinion that the advantages of having only one superpower outweigh its disadvantages. I have two reasons to sup…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Social class is still relevant in modern society

Agree or disagree: Social class is still relevant in modern society (賛成か反対か:社会階級は現代社会においても重要である) I’m against the opinion that social class is still important in modern society. I have two reasons to support my opi…

英検1級2次試験:Are people in today’s world becoming more socially isolated?

Are people in today’s world becoming more socially isolated? (現代人は社会的に孤立しつつあるか?) I’m against the opinion that people in modern societies are becoming more socially isolated. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First,…

英検1級2次試験:Can people change their characters even after they become adults?

Can people change their characters even after they become adults? (人は大人になっても性格を変えることができるか?) Some may argue that people’s characters are decided completely when they are around 5 years old or so. But I believe that th…

英検1級2次試験:Which should school emphasize more, competition or cooperation?

Which should school emphasize more, competition or cooperation? (学校は、競争と協調のどちらを重視すべきか?) Although both competition and cooperation are very important in our society, I think that schools should emphasize competition, ra…

英検1級2次試験:Are humans superior to other life forms?

Are humans superior to other life forms? (人間は他の生命体よりも優れているか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り35日 I’m of the opinion that humans are superior to other life forms. Humans have various kinds of capacity that other organis…

英検1級2次試験:Is there too much emphasis on materialism in modern society?

Is there too much emphasis on materialism in modern society? (現代社会において、物質主義は重要視されすぎているか?) I’m of the opinion that there is too much emphasis on materialism in modern society. Too many people still believe that pos…

英検1級2次試験:Can the efforts of individuals change society for the better?

Can the efforts of individuals change society for the better? (個人の努力は、社会をより良く変えることができるか?) I’m of the opinion that the efforts of individuals can change society for the better. Historically, thanks to the efforts of…

英検1級2次試験:Should the Internet be censored?

Should the Internet be censored? (インターネットは検閲されるべきか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り36日 I believe that part of the contents on the Internet should be censored. Some may argue that censorship would contribute to dictator…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Zoos do more harm than good

Agree or disagree: Zoos do more harm than good (賛成か反対か:動物園は有害無益である) I disagree with the opinion that zoos do more harm than good. Zoos provide us with various kinds of values in our society. To explain my opinion, I have …


タイトルの通り、本日「英検サンプルテスト」なるものの結果が自宅に到着しましたので、成績をご報告いたします。 「英検サンプルテスト」とは? 昨年10月某日、英検協会様よりこのようなハガキを頂きました。 要約すると、「あなた最近検定を受験されました…

英検1級2次試験:Is foreign aid the best way to promote economic growth in developing countries?

Is foreign aid the best way to promote economic growth in developing countries? (海外からの援助は、発展途上国の経済成長の促進のための最適な方法か?) I’m of the opinion that foreign aid is an effective way to promote economic growth in deve…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places

Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places (賛成か反対か:すべての公共の場に監視カメラを設置すべきである) おはようございます。 試験まで残り37日 I agree with the opinion that surveillance cameras should…

英検1級2次試験:Is the Japanese healthcare system a good model for other countries?

Is the Japanese healthcare system a good model for other countries? (日本の医療制度は、他国にとって良いモデルであるか?) I agree with the opinion that the Japanese healthcare system is a good model for other countries. I have two reasons t…

英検1級2次試験:Is information technology changing news media for the better?

Is information technology changing news media for the better? (情報技術はニュース媒体をより良い方向へ変えているか?) "information"を多用しすぎ感が出てしまってますね。時間があれば訂正してみようと思います。 I'm of the opinion that informatio…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Technological advances have made the world a safer place

おはようございます。 試験まで残り38日 Agree or disagree: Technological advances have made the world a safer place (賛成か反対か:技術の進歩により、世界はより安全な場所になった) I agree with the view that technological advances have made th…

英検1級2次試験:Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe?

Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe? (生物多様性が失われ続けると、環境破滅につながるか?) 2個の理由両方とも「汚染」という点で被っているので、内容点低めかもです。新たなアイディアが思い浮かんだら追記した…

英検1級2次試験:Has the Internet made people’s working lives easier?

Has the Internet made people’s working lives easier? (インターネットは、人々の仕事生活をより快適なものにしたか?) コロナ禍においてより意識するようになったテーマですね。 I’m of the opinion that the Internet has made people’s lives easier. I…

英検1級2次試験:Is Japan facing social-welfare crisis?

おはようございます。 本日から、試験本番までの日数カウントダウンを記事上部に記入します(気が付けば40日切っていて少し焦り始めています・・・w)。 試験まで残り39日 Is Japan facing social-welfare crisis? (日本は社会福祉の危機に直面しているか?) …

英検1級2次試験:Should all citizens be required to vote by law?

Should all citizens be required to vote by law? (法律ですべての国民の投票を義務付けるべきか?) I strongly agree with the idea that voting should be mandatory. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, without doing so, political pol…

英検1級2次試験:Is a loss of privacy inevitable in modern societies?

Is a loss of privacy inevitable in modern societies? (現代社会において、プライバシーの喪失は避けられないものか?) 2021年度第2回1級1次試験の英作文問題に似た(ほぼ同一の)テーマですね。 I’m of the opinion that individual’s privacy can’t be pro…

英検1級2次試験:Are large corporations solely interested in generating profits?

Are large corporations solely interested in generating profits? (大企業は、利益を上げることだけを考えているか?) I disagree with the opinion that large corporations are solely pursing large profits. Many companies are actually doing variou…

英検1級2次試験:Should the government make scientific research a greater priority?

記念すべき(?)第1テーマはこちら。 Should the government make scientific research a greater priority? (政府は科学研究をもっと優先させるべきか?) I’m of the opinion that the Japanese government should make scientific research a greater priori…


1. はじめに こんにちは。「ばやしの勉強部屋」管理人のばやしと申します。 自身の日々の学習記録をつけることを主目的に、当ブログを開設いたしました。 2. 管理人の保有資格等(2022年1月現在) まずは、管理人の現在の保有資格等についてご説明したいと思い…