

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: A university degree is necessary for success

Agree or disagree: A university degree is necessary for success



I don’t think that a university degree is necessary for success.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, society is gradually coming to realize that there are a lot of people with high skills even if they don’t graduate from good university. In the past, a degree of prestigious university was one of the requirements to work in large corporations and earn a great amount of money. However, in particular, IT companies nowadays tend to check if prospective employees have specific skills such as programming, graphic design, and so on when they hire new workers. We can obtain these skills by taking online courses.


Second, the definition of “success” has been changing recently. When Japanese economy was growing up dramatically, most people used to realize that nothing is more important than possessing a lot of money or luxury things. However, as time goes by, people can feel happiness even if they don’t have these things. In other words, people can be “successful” if they don’t graduate from good universities.


From these two viewpoints, I don’t believe that a university degree is necessary for success. (184 words)




