

英検1級2次試験:Should poor nations be responsible for their own development?

Should poor nations be responsible for their own development?



I disagree with the idea that poor nations should be responsible for their own development. Developed nations should help these nations solve the problem of poverty together.

I’ll explain two reasons to support my opinion.


First, developed countries that previously colonized developing nations must compensate for their exploitation. Historically, for instance, many developed countries invaded many developing countries so that they can develop their own countries efficiently. Since this is one of the reasons the developing nations in the state of poverty today, developed nations have to help them overcome the problem.


Second, developing nations often don’t have enough power to improve their living condition right now. Statistics show that it’s estimated that in many African countries, more than 50% of citizens don’t have abilities to read and write letters. Under this situation, for example, they can’t think about how to raise livestock, how to increase their assets efficiently, and things like that by themselves. This means that assistance is necessary for those people to eradicate poverty.


From these reasons, I don’t believe that poor nations should be responsible for their development. (182 words)






