


英検1級2次試験:Is there too much emphasis on materialism in modern society?

Is there too much emphasis on materialism in modern society? (現代社会において、物質主義は重要視されすぎているか?) I’m of the opinion that there is too much emphasis on materialism in modern society. Too many people still believe that pos…

英検1級2次試験:Can the efforts of individuals change society for the better?

Can the efforts of individuals change society for the better? (個人の努力は、社会をより良く変えることができるか?) I’m of the opinion that the efforts of individuals can change society for the better. Historically, thanks to the efforts of…

英検1級2次試験:Should the Internet be censored?

Should the Internet be censored? (インターネットは検閲されるべきか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り36日 I believe that part of the contents on the Internet should be censored. Some may argue that censorship would contribute to dictator…