

英検1級2次試験:Is foreign aid the best way to promote economic growth in developing countries?

Is foreign aid the best way to promote economic growth in developing countries?



I’m of the opinion that foreign aid is an effective way to promote economic growth in developing countries. By providing them with assistance, they’ll be able to find ways to improve their living conditions. I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, the development of infrastructure through economic aid will promote industrial development in developing countries. For example, construction of highways and railways facilitates the movement of people and goods. Many local companies will be able to increase their profits by taking advantage of this benefit, boosting the national economy.


Second, educational aid will also be helpful. For example, by giving farmers access to biotechnology, they will be able to sell their own crops and stimulate the local economy. This will also have a long-term effect because this kind of knowledge and technology can be passed on locally.


From these two perspectives, I believe that foreign aid is an effective way to promote economic growth in developing countries. (159 words)







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