

英検1級2次試験:Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe?

Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe?





I’m of the opinion that the continued loss of biodiversity will lead to environmental catastrophe in the future.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, if biodiversity were continued to be lost, it would accelerate air pollution. Forest has a role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and producing oxygen, meaning that it has capability of making the air cleaner. However, it’s estimated that around 25% of forests will die out in Tropic area within 30 years. This will accelerate air pollution, which will lead to serious diseases for humankinds such as breathing problems.


Second, loss of biodiversity will also contribute to water pollution. A lot of microorganisms can turn seawater into clean water. But if these organisms continue to disappear from sea or river, then water will be much dirtier. More amount of polluted water means that we’ll have fewer access to drinkable water, especially in developing countries.


From these two perspectives that I mentioned, I believe that the continued loss of biodiversity will definitely lead to environmental crisis. (173 words)







①で示した森林破壊の予測については、『英検1級 面接大特訓』を参考にしています。