

英検1級2次試験:Which is a greater threat to society, crime or environmental pollution?

Which is a greater threat to society, crime or environmental pollution?



I think that environmental pollution is a greater threat to society, compared with criminal activities.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, environmental pollution has pervasive influence on humankinds compared with crimes. According to WHO, it is estimated that around 7 million people lose their lives because of air pollution. On the other hand, the number of deaths from crimes is much fewer than that number. Also, it is very difficult to notice that we are exposed to polluted air.


Second, it is very difficult for the government agency to crack down on individual’s bad actions that are related to environmental issues. For example, if someone try to kill or injure other people, then heavy penalties are often imposed to criminals. Whereas, in many countries, it’s nearly impossible for police officers to capture people for releasing harmful substances such as carbon dioxide into the air. This is because it’s hard for them to collect solid evidence.


To sum up, I believe that environmental pollution is a greater threat to society, compared with crimes. (175 words)



結論:environmental pollution(環境汚染)




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