

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles

Agree or disagree: Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles






I’m of the opinion that Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, it would lead to higher profits for companies. It is said that women are much better at communicating with other people compared with men. Also, important negotiation that are directly related to companies’ benefits are usually performed by managerial positions. This means that by trying to increase the number of women in leadership positions, it would be much easier for companies to compete with other corporations, leading to higher profits.


Second, it would be much easier to take paternity leave for male employees. In Japan, most men are reluctant to leave workforce temporarily to raise their children, even if there are many household chores that men are better at compared with women. One of the causes of this is that many male managers don’t experience childcare directly. However, many women do so, and they deeply understand how hard it is.


From these two viewpoints, I believe that Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles. (183 words)




