

英検1級2次試験:Should people be encouraged to buy more domestically produced goods?

Should people be encouraged to buy more domestically produced goods?



I don’t think that people should be encouraged to purchase more domestically produced goods.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.


First, products that are made in foreign countries are tend to be relatively cheaper. For example, the price of various kinds of electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and cameras made in developing countries like China is much lower compared with the price of domestically produced goods. Some people argue that products that are manufactured in foreign countries can easily be broken. However, the quality of them is actually improving steadily.


Second, by importing products from other countries, it would be one key to encourage good relationship with other countries them. Statistics show that the amounts of import from the United States have been increasing for about 50 years. This means that Japan in is contributing to various kinds of local industries. If this trend continues in the future, relationship with the country will be better, and it’ll be on factor of strengthening Japan’s military defense.


To sum up, I believe that Japanese people should be encouraged to buy products made in foreign countries. (181 words)














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