


英検1級2次試験:Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated?

Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated? (人工知能の潜在的な危険性は誇張されているか?) おはようございます。気が付けば50題目になります。 試験まで残り27日 I’m against the opinion that the potential dangers of artifi…

英検1級2次試験:Can Japanese agriculture industry survive in today’s globalized society?

Can Japanese agriculture industry survive in today’s globalized society? (グローバル化した現代社会で、日本の農業は生き残れるか?) I disagree with the idea that Japanese agriculture industry can survive in today’s globalized society. I have…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Not enough importance is given to the study of history

Agree or disagree: Not enough importance is given to the study of history (賛成か反対か:歴史学習に十分な重点が置かれていない) I’m of the opinion that schools should put more emphasis on educating history. I have two reasons to support my …

英検1級2次試験:Which is a greater threat to society, crime or environmental pollution?

Which is a greater threat to society, crime or environmental pollution? (犯罪と環境汚染のどちらが社会にとって大きな脅威であるか?) I think that environmental pollution is a greater threat to society, compared with criminal activities. I ha…

英検1級2次試験:Are the values of young people today different from those of previous generations?

Are the values of young people today different from those of previous generations? (今の若者の価値観は、以前の世代とは異なるか?) I’m of the opinion that the values of young people are different from older generations. I think that these a…

英検1級2次試験:Can the factory farming of animals be justified?

Can the factory farming of animals be justified? (動物の工場畜産は正当化できるか?) I think that factory farming of animals can be justifiable. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, it would contribute to the elimination of worl…

英検1級2次試験:Can businesses be ethical and profitable?

Can businesses be ethical and profitable? (企業は倫理的でありながら収益を上げることができるのか?) I’m against the view that businesses can be ethical and profitable. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, mass media companies ma…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: The news media should be regulated by the government

Agree or disagree: The news media should be regulated by the government (賛成か反対か:報道機関は政府によって規制されるべきである) Although some may argue that it’s one of the invasions of human rights, I agree with the idea that news medi…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: The government should provide most public services

Agree or disagree: The government should provide most public services (賛成か反対か:政府はほとんどの公共サービスを提供すべきである) おはようございます。 試験まで残り28日 I disagree with the view that the government should provide most pub…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Classical literature still has a place in the modern classroom

Agree or disagree: Classical literature still has a place in the modern classroom (賛成か反対か:古典文学は現代の授業でも通用する) 試験まで残り29日 本日は体調が悪く(コロナ感染が疑われる症状ではありません)、夕方まで布団で横になっていました…

英検1級2次試験:Should schools put more focus on teaching IT skills?

Should schools put more focus on teaching IT skills? (学校はITスキルの教育にもっと力を入れるべきか?) I’m of the opinion that schools should put more focus on teaching IT skills. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, students wi…

英検1級2次試験:Should the government prioritize domestic issues over international issues?

Should the government prioritize domestic issues over international issues? (政府は国際問題よりも国内問題を優先すべきか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り30日 ちょうど1カ月前になりましたね。時間が近付くにつれて焦りばかりが募ってきます。 …

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Art only has value as entertainment

Agree or disagree: Art only has value as entertainment (賛成か反対か:芸術は娯楽としての価値しかない) I disagree with the idea that art only has value as entertainment. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, art has economic valu…

英検1級2次試験:Will nanotechnology have a major impact on our lives in the future?

Will nanotechnology have a major impact on our lives in the future? (ナノテクノロジーは、今後我々の生活に大きな影響を与えるか?) I’m of the opinion that nanotechnology will have a major impact on our daily lives in the future. I have two r…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: A university degree is necessary for success

Agree or disagree: A university degree is necessary for success (賛成か反対か:大学の学位は、成功のために必要である) I don’t think that a university degree is necessary for success. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, society …

英検1級2次試験:Should hunting for sport be banned?

Should hunting for sport be banned? (スポーツのための猟銃は禁止されるべきか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り31日 I’m of the opinion that hunting for sport should be banned. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, it is too dan…

英検1級2次試験:Can Japan’s rural communities be revitalized?

Can Japan’s rural communities be revitalized? (日本における農村を活性化させることはできるか?) I disagree with the opinion that Japan’s rural communities can be revitalized. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, it’s very diffic…

英検1級2次試験:Is prison an effective form of punishment?

Is prison an effective form of punishment? (刑務所は効果的な罰の形態であるか?) I’m of the opinion that prison is an effective form of punishment. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, once criminals go to jail, then they lose t…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: The advantages of legalized gambling outweigh the disadvantages

Agree or disagree: The advantages of legalized gambling outweigh the disadvantages (賛成か反対か:合法化されたギャンブルのメリットはデメリットを上回る) おはようございます(ねむねむのねむ)。 試験まで残り32日 I’m against the opinion that the …

英検1級2次試験:Is the world heading toward another global conflict?

Is the world heading toward another global conflict? (世界は再び地球規模の紛争に向かっているか?) I’m of the opinion that the world is heading toward another global conflict. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, decreasing amou…

英検1級2次試験:Agree or disagree: Internet advertising is effective

Agree or disagree: Internet advertising is effective (賛成か反対か:インターネット広告は効果的である) I’m of the opinion that Internet advertising is effective. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, the initial cost for Internet…

英検1級2次試験:Should the sales of tobacco products be made illegal?

Should the sales of tobacco products be made illegal? (タバコの販売を違法にすべきか?) I’m of the opinion that the sales of cigarette should be banned. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, tobacco has negative impact on our hea…

英検1級2次試験:Will the increasing reliance on robots and computers pose a threat to society?

Will the increasing reliance on robots and computers pose a threat to society? (ロボットやコンピューターへの依存度が高まることは、社会に脅威を与えることになるか?) おはようございます。 試験まで残り33日 I agree with the view that the increa…